HomeBlogGuest PostsUsing Facebook as a Charity to Promote Awareness

Using Facebook as a Charity to Promote Awareness

Facebook is a social media site that allows you access to millions of people from all over the world.  You are able to target your charity campaigns to those who are most likely to want to get involved and donate so that you can have more success with less effort.  This will help you to expose your charity or cause and help people who will benefit from it. 


Gaining Exposure for Your Charity or Cause

Gaining exposure starts with having a good page that people can visit and learn about the charity or cause that you are trying to promote.  The first thing you will look at is your avatar picture and you want this to be related to what you are promoting, such as a cancer ribbon, a photo of a person you are raising money for or a logo for the organization. 

Your Timeline cover is the first thing visitors will see so it must catch attention and make people think of your charity when they see it.  There are thousands of options so you can find the right one with relatively little effort. You can also use this website to create timeline covers.

In the profile section you want to explain what the charity or cause is and give people information about how they can help and why they should help.  Be detailed, but make sure that this is easy to read by breaking it up into several paragraphs.


Make Using Facebook a Little Bit Easier

When you are using this social media site, you can use an app to make things go a bit smoother for you and to add some features that are not available to all people.  Things like Foursquare to tell people what you are doing and there is a Causes app that lets users set up grassroots communities so you can work to expand how you find people to help support your cause, according to Mashable.  You will need to be a non-profit organization, but one you have this app up and running you can create polls for your cause, show people the donations that were made and give people information about other aspects of your cause.


Properly Working Social Media for Charity Promotion

There are right ways and wrong ways to use Facebook to promote your charity.  You want to make sure that you are getting the word out without being too pushy or overbearing to those who want to help.  For example, you want to post often, but if you post too many times throughout the day it may be seen as spam and this can actually work against you and hurt your cause.  Ideally, one or two posts a day is enough and your followers and fans will be able to see your posts and interact with them.  You want to keep people interested without overloading them with too much information at one time because this will cause people to become annoyed and actually lose interest in your charity or cause.

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