HomeBlogGuest PostsEssential Elements of Logo Design

Essential Elements of Logo Design

Logo design is sometimes an overlooked element of the branding process. Thinking it can be rushed, some companies have made the

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mistake of thinking they can get away with having a mediocre logo to represent their business. However, this is not the case at all. Ball Gown Prom Dresses sale
In fact it is the exact opposite, a poor logo will only work against the reputation you are trying to create for your brand. The fact of the matter is, your logo is your brands visual identity and normally always the first visual aspect the consumer will ever see of your brand. That is why it must communicate your core values and message effectively. To do so, we have outlined some essential elements of effective logo design.

1. Use the Right Colours

Understanding which colours trigger which emotions is an important part of colour psychology and should be carefully considered when choosing which shades to use in your logo. For instance, using red shades can induce emotions such as anger, love, lust and power. So it is important to remember that colour can be a strong emotional trigger and this is why it when choosing colour combinations, you should try to use colours that convey the tone of your brand. Play around with different colour schemes and see what results you get. Never underestimate the power of experimentation!

2. Design in a Way That Reflects The Brand Image

As a designer, you can use numerous styles when you are thinking of which logo you should create. To ensure you get the right style from the initial stages though, it helps to have a firm understanding of the brand and any background information you can get your hands on that will help you define the brands style visually. Some trends in logos have been gradients, bubble type graphics and shadow effects. These trends might be popular but once they go out of fashion, your logo will be left looking out-dated. So be wary when using styles that are in season. It is important to conduct some research not only into your client but also into their target audience. This will enable you to design a logo that will fit with the company’s values and goals.

3. Don’t Underestimate Great Typography

Selecting the perfect font and size is actually harder than many logo designers who are just starting up realise. If there is copy anywhere in your logo, you must spend a good amount of time deciding which font is fitting for either the tagline if you have one or the company name itself. It is crucial you test different fonts and experiment with the typefaces whilst asking yourself questions such as: do they suit the graphic elements of the logo? Are they conveying the right brand image? Is it line with the style of the brand? Is this particular font hooking onto a trend that will look out of date a couple of years down the line?

For instance, some fonts might look slightly tacky and unprofessional. For example Comic Sans may give of this impression. So think carefully about how different fonts may be perceived also. It also needs to be readable when it is on a smaller scale. Sometimes certain fonts become difficult to understand when they are minimised. Therefore experiment with the size when you are deciding which font will suit the logo and brand most. Also remember you do not have to overdo it when it comes down to

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fonts. One is often all you need and you should never go with more than two different typefaces.

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